Monday, August 22, 2016

Next ALIA Hunter meeting

Hi everyone, it's that time again! The next ALIA Hunter meeting is taking place next Saturday 3rd September. We will be planning our yearly Unconference at this meeting, so let us know if you have any suggestions! Here's the full details: 

DATE & TIME: Saturday 3rd September, 3pm
LOCATION: Civic Digest, 375 Hunter St Newcastle (part of the Civic Theatre building)
RSVP: Please ASAP to
You can also find the event listing for this meeting on the ALIA website here.
This meeting has again been booked at Civic Digest, this time on a weekend, so that those of you that couldn't attend the previous (weekday) meeting have a chance to stick your nose in and say hello :)

Please RSVP as soon as you can directly to me at If you can't make the meeting, we'd still love to hear from you, and will happily take suggestions and comments along to the meeting.

Have a great day, everybody, and see you next week!
